Professional Services

Kitchen Manufacturing & Installation in Whangarei

Serving a broad area from Kerikeri to Mangawhai

Address Home office anywhere in Whangarei

Location Northland,Auckland

Sales Weekly sales disclosed to approved purchasers

Asking Price $125,000 + Stock + WIP

Listing ID KA2436

Take advantage of this well-established business to launch or expand your kitchen manufacturing venture.
Known for quality and reliability, the business has years of positive feedback and built a strong reputation.
The business originally employed two full-time staff and a contractor but has since transitioned to a streamlined one-man operation. With a full pipeline of work and increasing demand, there is potential to scale back up to pre-COVID staffing levels.
Included is an excellent showroom, a favorable lease with low overheads, the business is designed for efficient and profitable operations.

Business Highlights
- Established & profitable business
- FY24 working owner profits of $78,000+
- FY23 working owner profits of $100,000+
- Serving a broad area from Kerikeri to Mangawhai
- Scalable operations & growth potential
- $150,000 future pipeline/ On-going work around $50,000
- Excellent premises & affordable lease in place
- Includes high quality showroom w/ granite tops valued at $35,000
- Includes 2010 Toyota Hiace DX
- Includes machinery, workshop & onsite tools

The business has an excellent reputation within the industry, with repeat work from builders, private clients, and major clients like Versatile Homes, where they have been a trusted partner for the past eight years.
Call Mike Ponsonby on 021 450-049 today to learn more about this great opportunity.

Asking Price: $125,000 + Stock + WIP
Listing ID: KA2436