Work From Home, Online & Ecommerce

SOLD: Home Based Subscription Box Business

Home based and relocatable

Address Currently operating from Christchurch, easily relocatable

Location Nationwide,Auckland

Sales Weekly sales available on application

Asking Price $299,000 + Stock of $8,000

Listing ID KA1796

A trusted subscription box marketing service and online hub for all thing’s health and wellbeing. Genuine reason for a reluctant sale, this is a clever business model for a digital and social media marketing expert with a passion for health and wellbeing. A very easy to run business that offers flexible working hours and great returns.

Business Highlights
- Great cash surplus to a working owner
- All systems are streamlined or contracted out
- Opportunity to expand
- Dynamic and recognised growth sector
- Flexible working hours – ideal for stay at home mums or dads
- Vendor happy to provide a comprehensive hand over

If you are ready to be your own boss, call Shelley May on (021) 296-3274 today.

Asking Price: $299,000 + Stock of $8,000
Listing ID: KA1796