Childcare (ECE)

High Occupancy ECE / Childcare Centre in East Auckland

One of the most trusted centres in East Auckland

Address East Auckland location available on application

Location Auckland,Manukau City

Sales Weekly sales available on application

Asking Price $625,000 + Stock

Listing ID KA2524

Kakapo is proud to present a high occupancy childcare business, located in a high growth East Auckland location.
The thriving ECE business has positioned itself as one of the most trusted childcare centres in the surrounding area, as it’s extremely high occupancy reflects this. This would be a perfect opportunity for a current centre manager looking to purchase as their first centre, or anyone with an existing portfolio looking for turnkey centre to add onto their portfolio.

Business Highlights
- Working owner profits of $188,000+
- East Auckland location
- Licensed for 40 children
- Become a working owner, or promote a centre manager for a hands off investment
- Full occupancy, with great word of mouth reputation in the community
- Amazing team of qualified staff who love the centre
- Huge upside to be had for a motivated buyer, with expansion of license possible for another 10-15 children

This is a high quality childcare business, with a proven track record in a growth location! Call Henry Helsby, childcare & ECE specialist on 021 817 096 today to discuss.

Asking Price: $625,000 + Stock
Listing ID: KA2524